Brand Kit
The Mars Protocol branding policy is intended to empower you, the community, to get creative with Mars and its branding. Take the Mars logo and put it on t-shirts, hats, rovers and oxygen tanks. Or make it look entirely different — it’s all up to you.
Starting now, all Mars Protocol assets are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Check out all the details below, or dive into our brand book and graphics files now. Together, we’ll build the galaxy’s most powerful credit protocol.
For the latests Osmosis Outpost assets, check out Expedition V1 - Osmosis Outpost Edition, a community-driven collection of open-source images for Mars Protocol.
Mars Brand Policy

The Mars name, marks, dress, logos and brand, including the name “Mars”, were created through collaboration between Delphi Labs, Terraform Labs, and We3. A complete set of such intellectual property created by this unincorporated joint venture is available at the Mars Design Kit here (collectively, the “Mars Designs”).
The Mars Designs are not trademarks or service marks and are not intended to identify the source of any goods or services. They constitute part of the ownerless, decentralized Mars commons, which is governed through a combination of rough social consensus and the on-chain governance processes of the Martian Council.

Accordingly, to whatever extent the Joint Venture possesses intellectual property rights in the Mars Designs, the Joint Venture hereby licenses all such rights to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (the “License”) Among other things, the License entails that you may, subject to the conditions set forth in the License:
- reproduce and “Share” (as defined in the License) the Mars Designs, in whole or in part; and
- produce, reproduce and Share any Adapted Material (as defined in the License, which includes material that is derived from or based on the Mars Designs).
The License conditions include:
- attributing the Mars Designs and any Adapted Material to the Joint Venture and the creators of the Adapted Material; and
- adding the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License to any Adapted Material (which means that the Adapted Work will be licensed to the public on the same terms as the Mars Designs).
Attribution should be made to “the Mars Protocol Joint Venture (”.
Note: The “Mars geodesic sphere” logo is a modification of the “geodesic sphere” icon by Lluisa Iborra. The Mars Protocol Joint Venture purchased a license to the un-modified icon from In order to use or copy the Mars geodesic sphere logo, you have two alternative options:
- You may rely on Ms. Iborra’s free Creative Commons license to the geodesic sphere icon, but only if you provide attribution as follows:
- attribution is required if the logo is larger than 100px
- attribution must be included in a bibliography or caption or on an item or tag, as applicable
- attribution must read “Mars Geodesic Sphere by the Mars Protocol Joint Venture (, based on Geodesic Sphere by Lluisa Iborra from”; or
- You may purchase your own license from Ms. Iborra at (attribution to the Mars Joint Venture is still required, but attribution to Ms. Iborra is not).
The foregoing is only a partial summary of the License. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the summary and the License, the License shall govern, control and prevail.