Unlocking Farm Vaults
Unlocking farm vaults allows you to withdraw your assets from a farm, albeit with a certain waiting period during which the assets will not yield any returns. Follow the step-by-step guide below to unlock your farm vaults on the Mars dApp:
Step 1: Navigating to the Farm Page
Begin by heading over to the Farm page on the Mars dApp interface. This is the starting point for managing your farm vaults.

Step 2: Choosing a Farm to Unlock
Browse through your active farms and select the one you wish to unlock. Click on the "Unlock to Withdraw" option to initiate the process.

Step 3: Unlock Confirmation
A prompt will appear, asking you to confirm the unlock process. Please note that this process takes 14 days, during which your assets will not accrue any yield. This cooling period ensures the stability and security of the farming ecosystem.

Step 4: Transaction Authentication
Proceed to authenticate and confirm the transaction (tx) to officially start the unlock process. This step ensures the authenticity and security of your action.

Step 5: Completing the Unlocking Phase
Once you have confirmed the transaction, you now hold an unlocking position listed on the Farm page. This status indicates that your assets are in the unlocking phase and will be available for withdrawal after the stipulated period.