LP Farming
In this tutorial, we are guiding you through the simple yet rewarding process of engaging in LP farming on the Mars dApp. LP farming is a fantastic way to potentially earn rewards while helping to provide liquidity to the ecosystem. Let's walk through this process step by step:
Step 1: Navigating to the Farm Page
Begin your LP farming journey by heading over to the "Farm" page, which can be found under the "Earn" section in the Mars dApp.

Step 2: Selecting a Liquidity Pair
Once on the Farm page, take your time to select a pair that you'd like to provide liquidity for. This is a critical step in setting up your LP farm position.

Step 3: Setting up the LP Position
For the purpose of this tutorial, we will skip borrowing assets to leverage the farm position. While it is possible to utilize borrowed assets to enhance your farm position, we will focus on creating a basic LP position using your existing assets. Remember, this position can later be used as collateral for other leveraged activities such as trading or borrowing from the borrow page.

Step 4: Transaction Confirmation
To establish your LP position, sign and confirm the transaction. This step ensures that your transaction is processed securely.

Step 5: Confirming Your LP Farm Position
Congratulations! You have successfully created an LP farm position. This position is your gateway to potential earnings and liquidity provision within the ecosystem.

Step 6: Managing Your Position
With your LP farm position in place, you now have the option to manage it effectively by either depositing more assets into it or withdrawing assets as per your investment strategy.

Step 7: Inspecting Account Health
Lastly, don't forget to keep an eye on the "Account Health" tab. Here, you'll find details about your farm position, which now serves as a valuable collateral for engaging in other financial activities on the platform.