Farming with Custom Ratio
In this tutorial, we will explore how to engage in LP (Liquidity Pool) farming using a custom ratio on the Mars dApp. This method provides greater flexibility, allowing you to potentially optimize your rewards and strategy. Let's dive into the steps:
Step 1: Navigating to the Farm Page
Start by heading over to the "Farm" page, found under the "Earn" section. Here, choose a pair that you are interested in LP farming into.

Step 2: Enabling Custom Ratio
For a more tailored approach, toggle the "Custom Ratio" option on. This feature allows you to set individual amounts for each asset in the pair, potentially optimizing your strategy.

Step 3: Defining Your Custom Ratio
At this juncture, you get to select an arbitrary amount to provide for each asset in the chosen pair. It’s up to you how you want to allocate your resources; you even have the option to single-side LP if you desire, giving you more control over your position.

Step 4: Skipping the Borrow Option
Although borrowing assets to leverage your position is a possibility, we will bypass this option for the purposes of this tutorial. Remember, your custom ratio position can still be utilized as collateral for other leveraged activities on the platform.

Step 5: Confirming the Transaction
With your custom ratio set, proceed to confirm the setup by signing and authorizing the transaction, ensuring a secure process.

Step 6: New Position Verification
You've done well! You now have a new position with a custom ratio on the Farm page. This bespoke position aligns more closely with your individual investment strategy.

Step 7: Account Health Inspection
Lastly, navigate to the "Account Health" tab to view and monitor your new position. This tab provides crucial insights into the health and performance of your investment.