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On-Chain Submission

Using marsd in the CLI.

Base Level Proposal

marsd tx gov submit-proposal
--title="Test Proposal"
--description="Insert Description"
--from [account]
--chain-id [chain-id]
--deposit "10000umars"

All above flags are mandatory for all proposals.

Param Change Proposal

marsd tx gov submit-proposal param-change <path/to/proposal.json> --from=<account>

where proposal.json contains:

"title": "Staking Param Change",
"description": "Update max validators",
"changes": [
"subspace": "staking",
"key": "MaxValidators",
"value": 105
"deposit": "1000stake"

Create Incentives Schedule

marsd tx gov submit-proposal create-incentives-schedule [start-time] [end-time] [amount]
--title [text]
--description [text]
--deposit [amount]

where [start-time] [end-time] [amount] are formatted as:

"start_time": "2022-12-20T15:10:00.000000Z",
"end_time": "2022-12-20T15:30:00.000000Z",
"denom": "umars",
"amount": "1000000000000"

Wasm Binary Proposal

marsd tx gov submit-proposal wasm-store [wasm file]
--run-as [address]

where [wasm file] is your wasm binary proposal.

Community Pool Spend Proposal

marsd tx gov submit-proposal community-pool-spend <path/to/proposal.json> --from=<key_or_address>

where proposal.json contains:

"title": "Community Pool Spend",
"description": "Pay me some Atoms!",
"recipient": "mars1s5afhd6gxevu37mkqcvvsj8qeylhn0rz46zdlq",
"amount": "1000stake",
"deposit": "1000stake"